Originally used in sports medicine to treat chronic tendon concerns, Platelet-Rich Plasma is high in growth hormone, and when treated on the skin or hair follicles, induces collagen and stimulates the skin and follicular regeneration. Our clients love PRP because it is one of the safest treatments in the industry. The product used is the client’s own blood so the risk of allergic reactions is very slim. We do require all our patients to disclose any current medications and to consult with their doctor if they’re on any blood thinners before proceeding with a PRP treatment.

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Read frequently asked PRP questions below ↓

What is the treatment process like for PRP? 

There are several methods of treatment for PRP. Microneedling facials and/or injections, as well as hair restoration. For each type, a numbing cream is applied to the client’s face or scalp before the treatment to prevent any discomfort. A PRP treatment is a 3 step process that involves a blood draw into a tube that is spun in a centrifuge for 10 minutes to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the red blood cells. The PRP is then used to inject into the skin to promote healing and offer subtle volume. It can also be used as a topical serum in conjunction with microneedling, creating microchannels, allowing the PRP to penetrate deep into the skin to offer its optimal benefits. Like for the skin, the same process is done for hair. It is injected into the scalp to allow repair of hair follicles to enhance hair shaft quality, creating a thicker, longer appearance of hair.

Where can PRP be injected? 

PRP is ideal for post-hair transplant patients. Hair follicles are very fragile after being implanted. PRP will induce faster, healthier healing. It is also just as beneficial for thinning hair for both men and women. A PRP facial will diminish fine lines and wrinkles, plump sagging skin, offer a radiant complexion and help improve acne scars. It can also do the same for areas such as the: 

● Neck 

● Décolletage 

● Hands 

● Stretch marks 

● Scar

How many PRP treatments do I need? 

A series of treatments are required for both hair and skin rejuvenation. Treatments take between 30 minutes to an hour to complete and results can be seen as early as the first treatment in some individuals. For optimal results, it is best to complete the full course of treatments as directed by your provider, which can be discussed further in consultation.

How long does PRP last? 

Like all non-surgical treatments, you can achieve successful outcomes by following the direction of your treatment provider. At Vamped Cosmetics, realistic expectations are discussed in-depth and treatment plans are customized based on individual needs. Maintenance treatments are highly encouraged. Key tips: It is important that a healthy lifestyle and vitamin consumption (ex. biotin and multivitamins) are used in conjunction with this treatment. 

What are the common side effects of PRP? 

Like all needle-based treatments, the most common side effects include bruising and swelling. Other adverse reactions include: 

● Sensitivity to touch 

● Redness 

● Slight burning sensation 

● Infection

How do I prep before and after my PRP treatment? 

Prior to your PRP appointment with Vamped Cosmetics, please ensure you are not taking any blood thinners such as Advil and Aspirin at least 24 hours before and after treatment. If you are on a prescribed blood thinner, please consult your doctor prior to the appointment about whether it is safe to stop your medication. Alcohol, Omega 3’s and some other multivitamins may cause blood thinning as well and it is recommended to stop taking them 2-3 days before treatment. If you are prone to bruising and swelling, Arnica is a natural anti-inflammatory supplement, which can be purchased at the time of your appointment. 

After the treatment, it is also recommended not to touch or wash your face or hair for 2 hours. Makeup and skincare applications should be avoided until scabbing subsides. If the skin is dry, an unscented moisturizer may be applied. Unscented gentle cleansers may be used after the 2-hour post-procedure period. It is also recommended to change your pillowcase the night of the treatment before going to bed to reduce the risk of infection. Do not consume alcohol for 24 hours to reduce the amount of potential bruising and swelling. Taking Arnica and icing the treated area will also reduce these side effects. It is best to avoid taking a hot shower 24 hours post-treatment to reduce the intensity of inflammation which may cause prolonged irritation. It is recommended to refrain from facials, hot tubs, saunas and steam rooms for one week to avoid potential infection and prolonged redness. Sleeping on your face is also not advised, as it causes further irritation of the skin. For additional questions and/or concerns please contact Vamped Cosmetics.

HOURS: Mon-Thurs 11-7pm, Fri 11-5pm
PHONE:(647) 221-3478

*Consultations are complimentary, please schedule one online.  For inquiries please contact us. We look forward to seeing you soon!