Also known as Belkyra (deoxycholic acid) and Body Slim (black tea and caffeine extracts) are injectable methods for reducing fat in localized areas, which are alternatives to surgical methods such as liposuction. These non-surgical options have minimal downtime and the procedures are relatively painless.

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Read frequently asked Fat Dissolving questions below ↓

What is the treatment process like for Fat Dissolving? 

Once the unwanted area of fat is determined and mapped out, a small amount of Belkyra or Body Slim is injected into the targeted area. Immediately, these acids will begin to metabolize the fat cells, causing an inflammatory response, and break them down for easy elimination through the liver. Results can be seen as early as 4 weeks post-procedure. 

Where can Belkyra & Body Slim be injected? 

The most common area for Belkyra and Body Slim injections are submental fat, better known as the “double chin”. Other areas include: 

● Bra Line 

● Underarms 

● Abdomen 

● Back of arms 

● Inner, outer and back of thighs 

● Knees

How many Fat Dissolving treatments do I need? 

Depending on the amount of fat, how large the area is and the laxity of the surrounding skin, it may take several treatments for desired results. Belkyra treatments are every 4 weeks, while Body Slim is recommended to do once a week. Results vary due to lifestyle factors, diet, age and skin texture. This is solely a fat-reducing treatment; it does not tighten skin. All clients must have a consultation prior to treatment to determine if they are good candidates. 

How long do Belkyra and Body Slim last? 

Results are permanent! Once fat cells are destroyed, the body does not produce new ones. However, a healthy diet and active lifestyle are encouraged to help reduce the recurrence of weight gain which will cause other surrounding fat cells to get larger. Additional treatments may be needed if weight gain occurs. 

What are the common side effects of Fat Dissolving? 

The most common side effect of this treatment is swelling. The natural inflammatory response is the body's way of removing the dead fat cells from the targeted area. Embrace the swelling.

Wearing compression garments or wraps is encouraged and will be discussed further in consultation.

Other side effects include: 

● Bruising 

● Burning sensation 

● Sensitivity to touch 

● Redness

How do I prep before and after my Fat Dissolving treatment? 

Prior to your Fat Dissolving appointment with Vamped Cosmetics, please ensure you are not taking any blood thinners such as Advil and Aspirin at least 24 hours before and after treatment. If you are on a prescribed blood thinner, please consult your doctor prior to the appointment about whether it is safe to stop your medication. Alcohol, Omega 3’s and some other multivitamins may cause blood thinning as well and it is recommended to stop taking them 2-3 days before treatment. If you are prone to bruising and swelling, Arnica is a natural anti-inflammatory supplement, which can be purchased at the time of your appointment. 

After the treatment, it is also recommended to not consume alcohol for 24 hours to reduce the amount of potential bruising and swelling. Taking Arnica and icing the treated area will also reduce these side effects. Gentle massages of the targeted area will help with inflammation reduction. It is best to avoid taking a hot shower 24 hours post-treatment to reduce the intensity of the burning sensation. For additional questions and/or concerns please contact Vamped Cosmetics.

HOURS: Mon-Thurs 11-7pm, Fri 11-5pm
EMAIL: nadia@vampedcosmetics.com
PHONE:(647) 221-3478

*Consultations are complimentary, please schedule one online.  For inquiries please contact us. We look forward to seeing you soon!